What is a premium cigar and what are its benefits?
You can find the answer to this question is the difference between the short-tripe and the long-tripe cigar, that is, between hand-rolled cigars with whole tobacco leaves and industrial cigars made from crushed cigars. Even if the probable repercussions of this differentiation could imply a fall in demand for short tripe, made less attractive, it is necessary to consider the centuries of know-how hidden in the production process. Of course, short guts were hand-rolled before machines were invented. The short-gut cigars and Indonesian and Brazilian tobaccos used in their production are worse than long-gut cigars and Caribbean tobaccos. The quality of tobacco also plays a role in the concept of a premium cigar. In Cuba, for example, the best tobaccos are found in the Pinar del Rio region. Tobacco is also cultivated in the Oriente region, but for local consumption or cigarettes. There are, of course, differences in quality between the tobaccos of Pinar del Rio but nonetheless the...